Dear Homeopaths and prospective Students of Homeopathy,
This E-Learning Program presents my knowledge and 60 years experience of Classical Homeopathy and Medicine. I offer it with the hope that you will accept it as a gift to enhance and complete your understanding of this wonderful science, Classical Homeopathy.
This homeopathy program not only contains discussions and directions on Levels of Health Theory, explanations of Hahnemann and Kent’s theory, Case Management and extensive analysis of cases, insight into the essence of remedies and differential diagnosis but it also includes my ideas and thoughts that expand upon the great teachings of previous generations.
The objective of this online homeopathy course is to give each enthusiastic medical practitioner and homeopath the basis for a solid foundation in Homeopathy so that they can carry this traditional wisdom and knowledge into the future of medicine.
My wish has always been to teach those talented individuals who care deeply about health and well-being and help lessen the pain of human suffering. Professor George Vithoulkas
This Course is an academic, on-line program based on the highest educational standards according to the principles of Samuel Hahnemann.
It contains the following modules: Theory, Materia Medica, Repertorization, Research Methodology, Questions and Answers, Topics, Cases and Analysis, Levels of Health.
Parallel with every each video/lecture, there are indications of the portions of books of Hahnemann, Kent and Vithoulkas, corresponding to the teaching, that the students have to study.
The new and pioneering theory of the Levels of Health will enable the students to deeply understand the process their patient is going through and they will understand when to apply, what potency, how often to repeat it and what to expect as a reaction. They will have the possibility to follow the long-term treatment of many cases, how Professor George Vithoulkas takes the case, how he analyses and synthesizes the information in order to find the correct remedy, what strategies he uses to come to a prescription and how he differentiates the remedies.
Some of the features of the course are: Moderator/Tutor - Questions for each video/lecture - Online Tests - Final Online Exams - Extensive Notes - Portions of Books from Hahnemann, Kent, Vithoulkas parallel with video/lecture - Books free of charge - Forum for student questions - search facility for words or phrases in the forum. Prof. George Vithoulkas is speaking English and the program is available with English, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese, Romanian, Greek, Italian, French, German, Arabic, Turkish and Bulgarian subtitles. It consists of 300 hours of video & audio, 300 hours of study and 150 hours of clinical practice (total:750 hours).
The duration of the course is 2 years.
Our main purpose is to spread this wonderful therapeutic modality worldwide and also to educate our potential students according to the best educational and scientific standards.
Professor Vithoulkas was awarded with the Right Livelihood Award (Alternative Nobel Prize) 1996, according to the decision:
"...for his outstanding contribution to the revival of homeopathic knowledge and the training of homeopaths to the highest standards."
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